
Not a THING... just an idea!

I found out today that my application was accepted for something called Materials Camp. If you are a science teacher or even just a teacher who wants to do some cool stuff with materials in their class you should check it out. Don't be scared if you are an EC-4 teacher because they seemed to really have fun with it as well.

The camp I will be attending is in Houston this summer. It is FREE to attend but of course you have to pay for housing and things like that during this time. I am lucky enough to have parents that live there and they now know that I might be bumming a few nights of their couch!

There is also an opportunity for incoming seniors and juniors to attend one of these camps as well. I don't know as much about that but if you have one of those nerdy kids that just loves to do hands-on learning or maybe just someone who could really benefit from something like this, you might want to pass the website on.

I found out about this opportunity from a science conference I attended back in January. I was able to attend a mini-session of the Polymer Ambassadors and watched them blow bubbles in a milk jug, make water dissapear and experiment with density among other things. If you find out that you love polymers so much that you should tie it into your career and look into applying to be a Polymer Ambassador.

I couldn't figure out how to get from this website to the place with the application for camp so I went a-googling and found the ASM International website that does have the Materials Camp application on it.

This is a FREE week long opportunity to have a really good time and to look at different materials that could really benefit your science classroom. I know I'm looking forward to it and I hope some of you will look into it as well.